16 Mart 2014 Pazar
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5 Mart 2014 Çarşamba
By Stephen J. Bigelow, Senior Technology Writer
Network disaster recovery (DR) relies on software products that can send critical data to the remote site or recover that remote data for return to the client. Once implemented and configured, the disaster recovery software system needs to be routinely tested to ensure that all of the parts involved work properly. All of this activity needs to happen while maintaining the client's regulatory compliance or other corporate governance position, further complicating network DR planning for solution providers.
The first part of this Hot Spot Tutorial introduced critical WAN issues and site planning points for DR. The second chapter detailed WAN bandwidth factors, redundant connectivity concepts and the use of other technologies like VPNs and virtualization for disaster recovery. This third installment discusses changing trends in disaster recovery software and highlights the importance of regulatory compliance.
Changes in disaster recovery software
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Disaster recovery software should satisfy the data protection needs of the client and their business. The most important consideration in disaster recovery software selection is the recovery time objective (RTO) -- understanding how quickly the DR software can retrieve and restore data from the remote site. The product should accommodate the customer's data load and change rate in synchronous or asynchronous mode, pass that data within the available effective WAN bandwidth, support all of the client's mission-critical applications or data types, and still fit within the client's budget.
"Time to recovery is the main goal, and then balancing against cost," said Dave Sobel, CEO of Evolve Technologies, a solution provider located in Fairfax, Va.
In the past, DR software solutions often proved complex and difficult to configure fully. But disaster recovery software is changing. "The trend I can clearly see is simplification of the infrastructure," Sobel said. "Customers are looking for fewer tools in the environment." Solution providers can teach clients how to use their existing infrastructure and tools for new tasks wherever possible, rather than changing or adding to their infrastructure. In other cases, solution providers must help the client ensure that any new iteration of tools they already have will solve emerging problems or changing DR needs.
The push toward simplification is reflected in a trend away from third-party products. "Movement is away from snapshots and third-party replication products such as SAN Snapshots or DoubleTake, or VMware VMotion," said Rand Morimoto, president of Convergent Computing, a network solution provider in Oakland, Calif. "The movement is to built-in replication like SQL 2005 Mirroring, or Exchange 2007 Stretch Cluster Continuous Replication, or DFS-R -- where the replication is in the application, thus failover and failback is native to the app and fully vendor- and auditor-supported." This approach reduces the number of DR tools in the environment and eliminates vendor finger-pointing when replication doesn't work as expected.
While virtualization tools like VMware may not be desirable for disaster recovery alone, clients that already employ virtualization for consolidation or management purposes may also see benefits in DR.
"Another application that we see playing a bigger role in DR … is VMware," said Bob Laliberte, analyst with the Enterprise Strategy Group in Milford, Mass. Laliberte noted that virtualization enables far greater flexibility in site design and equipment, allowing for cost savings, which some clients may leverage to establish a third DR site (such as a restoration site in addition to a traditional DR site). Additional tools like VMware's VMotion enable the migration of one virtual machine to another, allowing failover between host servers without disruption. Similarly, VMware's Site Recovery Manager automates the recovery of virtualized environments for SMB/SME clients.
Veelzijdige rotatiepersen klaar voor de toekomst

Veelzijdige rotatiepersen klaar voor de toekomst
De veranderende markt en het economische klimaat vereisen dat offset rotatiepersen steeds beter presteren bij steeds kleinere oplages. De pers moet aan een breed pakket van wensen en voorwaarden voldoen. Behalve een constante en voorspelbare drukkwaliteit bij hoge topsnelheden, een hoge productiviteit en een perfecte prijs/prestatieverhouding moet de pers ook milieuvriendelijk en duurzaam produceren.Komori biedt antwoord op die vragen met de ontwikkeling van de SYSTEM Series offset rotatiepersen. Uitgerust met een grote hoeveelheid ongeëvenaarde technologie. De hoge drukkwaliteit en de inrichttijd van slechts 7 minuten garanderen een hoge rentabiliteit.
Full-APC - de volautomatische plaatwissel - maakt het mogelijk dat alle acht platen binnen twee minuten zijn gewisseld. De pers is bovendien uitgerust met KHS-AI. Dat zorgt er bijvoorbeeld voor dat elke order snel in register en op kleur is en dat de instelling van het vouwformaat wordt aangepast. Het systeem is zelflerend, zodat op basis van specifieke gebruikersinformatie de automatisering van het proces steeds geavanceerder en effectiever wordt.
Het vouwapparaat beschikt over unieke mogelijkheden die speciaal zijn ontworpen om extra toegevoegde waarde te kunnen bieden.
Kortom: niemand kan tippen aan de enorme veelzijdigheid van de SYSTEM Series offset rotatiepersen.
20 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi
World-Check, the industry standard KYC compliance solution, provides an overview of KYC compliance and its origins, and outlines the compliance mandate as applicable to banks, accounting firms, lawyers and other regulated financial service providers – not just in the UK, Europe and the USA, but all around the world. Relied upon by more than 3,000 institutions worldwide, this KYC database solution provides effective legal and reputational risk reduction.
Why “Know Your Customer?”
The 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre revealed that there were sinister forces at work around the world, and that terrorists activities were being funded with laundered money, the proceeds of illicit activities such as narcotics and human trafficking, fraud and organised crime. Overnight, the combating of terrorist financing became a priority on the international agenda.
For the financial services provider of the 21st century, “knowing your customers” was no longer a suggested course of action. Based on the requirements of legislative landmarks such as the USA PATRIOT Act 2002, modern Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance mandates were created to simultaneously combat money laundering and the funding of terrorist activities.
What is Know Your Customer (KYC)?
Know Your Customer, or KYC, refers to the regulatory compliance mandate imposed on financial service providers to implement a Customer Identification Programme and perform due diligence checks before doing business with a person or entity.
KYC fulfils a risk mitigation function, and one its key requirements is checking that a prospective customer is not listed on any government lists for wanted money launders, known fraudsters or terrorists.
If preliminary KYC checks reveal that the person is a Politically Exposed Person (PEP), for example, Advanced Due Diligence must be done in order to ensure that the person’s source of wealth is transparent, and that he or she does not pose a reputational or financial risk in terms of their finances, public positions or associations. Beyond customer identification checks, the ongoing monitoring of transfers and financial transactions against a range of risk variables forms an integral part of the KYC compliance mandate.
But to understand the importance of KYC compliance for financial service providers better, its origins need to be examined.
Origins of Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance
The arrival of the new millennium was marred by a spate of terrorist attacks and corporate scandals that unmasked the darker features of globalisation. These events highlighted the role of money laundering in cross-border crime and terrorism, and underlined the need to clamp down on the exploitation of financial systems worldwide.
Know Your Customer (KYC) legislation was principally not absent prior to 9/11. Regulated financial service providers for a long time have been required to conduct due diligence and customer identification checks in order to mitigate their own operation risks, and to ensure a consistent and acceptable level of service.
In essence, the USA PATRIOT Act was not so much a radical departure from prior legislation as it was a firmer and more extensive articulation of existing laws. The Act would lead to the more rigorous regulation of a greater range of financial services providers, and expanded the authority of American law enforcement agencies in the fighting of terrorism, both in the USA and abroad.
In October 2001, President George W. Bush signed off the USA PATRIOT Act, effectively providing federal regulators with a new range of tools and powers for fighting terror financing and money laundering. During July 2002, the US Treasury proceeded to introduce Section 326 of the PATRIOT Act, a clause that removed some key burdens for regulators and added significant enforcement muscle to the Act.
What 9/11 changed, in essence, was the extent to which existing legislation was being implemented. Using the provisions of the earlier anti-terrorism USA Act as a foundation, it included the Financial Anti-Terrorism Act, which allowed for federal jurisdiction over foreign money launders and money laundered through foreign banks. Significantly, it is this anti-terror law that would make the creation of an Anti Money Laundering (AML) programme compulsory for all financial institutions and service providers.
Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act dealt specifically with the identification of new customers (“CIP regulation”), and made extensive provisions in terms of KYC and the methods employed to verify client identities.
In accordance with this piece of updated KYC legislation, federal regulators would hold financial institutions accountable for the effectiveness of their initial customer identification and ongoing KYC screening. Institutions are required to keep detailed records of the steps that were taken to verify prospective clients’ identities.
Although current KYC legislation does not yet demand the exclusion of specific types of foreign-issued identification, it recommends the usage of machine-verifiable identity documents. The ability to notify financial institutions if concerns regarding specific types of identification were to arise, combined with a risk-based approach to KYC, proved to provide a robust mechanism for addressing security concerns.
Effectively, the risk-based approach to customer due diligence grants regulated institutions a certain degree of flexibility to determine the forms of identification they will accept, and under which conditions.
KYC compliance: Implications for banks, lawyers and accounting firms
The KYC compliance mandate, for all its positive outcomes, has burdened companies and organisations with a substantial administrative obligation. Additionally, KYC compliance increasingly entails the creation of auditable proof of due diligence activities, in addition to the need for customer identification.
10 Şubat 2012 Cuma
This new technology — High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS — represents previously unattained effectiveness
and quality of measurement results. Following decades of experience in the development of spectrometers and graphite furnaces and in cooperation with partners from leading research institutes, a vision becomes reality — the start of a new generation in AAS, with the contrAA® series, which finally closes the gap between ICP OES and AAS.
High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS (HR-CS AAS) covers the complete spectral range from the near vacuum-UV to the near infrared with a single continuum source, providing innovative capabilities. For the first time, genuine sequential multi-element analysis is implemented in AAS without the need for a multitude of different light sources.
At first glance:
Maximum versatility and flexibility
Guaranteed stability
Improved accuracy
Maximum information content
Speed for higher efficiency
New level of performance
Fast sequential multi-element determination for flame AAS
Simultaneous background correction
Full post processing of measurement (FPP)
Unique Flexibility
The xenon short-arc lamp as a continuum source is ideal for any element to be analyzed. No matter how frequently or seldom you have to determine an element, the HR-CS AAS instrument is immediately ready for measurement. You have every freedom for line selection, as the source covers the entire continuous wavelength range. All absorbing atom lines are immediately available, irrespective of the emission properties of the HCL (such as windows transmissive to UV or visible radiation). In addition, several new types of lines can be used for analysis.
Immediate Readiness for Measurement
The immediate readiness for measurement provided by HR-CS AAS is due to the fact that the lamp needs no fixed warm-up time to avoid output drift. Innovative correction algorithms continuously compensate any drift or fluctuation of the spectrometer including the source.
Improved Performance
HR-CS AAS features an improved signal-to-noise ratio and markedly better detection limits. This is due to the higher radiation density of the Xe continuum source compared to HCLs, and the enormously increased quantum efficiency of a CCD semiconductor detector compared to the photomultiplier tube commonly used in line-source AAS (LS AAS). HR-CS AAS is the first technique that c an efficiently correct spectral interferences in flame AAS by structured flames or molecule structures. This provides improved simultaneous background correction, and capabilities to correct spectral interferences to increase the accuracy of analytical results
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26 Ocak 2012 Perşembe
Recover, Repair, Recycle
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Norkom Technologies
Deployed in more than 100 countries across four continents, our financial crime and compliance solutions monitor millions of transactions a day for global financial services clients. Our ever-expanding client base includes six of the top ten financial services organizations in the world.
By combining a unique investigative technology platform with deep domain expertise and extensive client experience, Norkom has established a solid track record of reducing financial losses, protecting users’ reputations and improving operational efficiencies.
Norkom has been recognized as market leader by industry commentators such as Celent, who described Norkom as “one of the few vendors that offer a comprehensive product suite that provides all essential components of an AML compliance solution.”
Named Vendor of the Year by Compliance Reporter in 2008, Norkom has received many industry accolades spanning the spectrum of Anti-Money Laundering and Fraud, such as: ‘Best AML Solution’ in Banking Technology’s Readers’ Choice Awards for two years running (2008 and 2007) and ‘Best Technology Solution’ in Complinet’s compliance awards.
In June 2006, Norkom became a publicly quoted company on the Irish Stock Exchange (IEX: NORK.IE) and London Stock Exchange (AIM: NORK:L) following a successful IPO and supported by several years of significant revenue growth and constant profitability. These listings paved the way for the acquisition of US-based Digital Harbor in July 2007, which further extended the company’s footprint into the North American marketplace. In 2007, Norkom entered the Asia-Pacific financial crime and compliance market, becoming the dominant leader in Australia within a 12 month period.
On 11 November 2008, the company announced its half-year interim results to September 30, 2008, reporting a 37% increase in revenue and a 30% improvement in EBITDA. In the same month, Norkom joined the ranks of the world's top 100 providers of Financial Technology in the Fintech 100 rankings as a result of strong revenue and increasing market share in the battle against financial crime.Norkom is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, with operations and offices across Continental Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific. s a leading provider of financial crime and compliance software solutions to the global financial services industry. We enable financial organizations to detect and combat financial crime, control defenses and evolve strategies against fraud, money laundering and other types of financial crime.
Deployed in more than 100 countries across four continents, our financial crime and compliance solutions monitor millions of transactions a day for global financial services clients. Our ever-expanding client base includes six of the top ten financial services organizations in the world.
By combining a unique investigative technology platform with deep domain expertise and extensive client experience, Norkom has established a solid track record of reducing financial losses, protecting users’ reputations and improving operational efficiencies.
Norkom has been recognized as market leader by industry commentators such as Celent, who described Norkom as “one of the few vendors that offer a comprehensive product suite that provides all essential components of an AML compliance solution.”
Named Vendor of the Year by Compliance Reporter in 2008, Norkom has received many industry accolades spanning the spectrum of Anti-Money Laundering and Fraud, such as: ‘Best AML Solution’ in Banking Technology’s Readers’ Choice Awards for two years running (2008 and 2007) and ‘Best Technology Solution’ in Complinet’s compliance awards.
In June 2006, Norkom became a publicly quoted company on the Irish Stock Exchange (IEX: NORK.IE) and London Stock Exchange (AIM: NORK:L) following a successful IPO and supported by several years of significant revenue growth and constant profitability. These listings paved the way for the acquisition of US-based Digital Harbor in July 2007, which further extended the company’s footprint into the North American marketplace. In 2007, Norkom entered the Asia-Pacific financial crime and compliance market, becoming the dominant leader in Australia within a 12 month period.
On 11 November 2008, the company announced its half-year interim results to September 30, 2008, reporting a 37% increase in revenue and a 30% improvement in EBITDA. In the same month, Norkom joined the ranks of the world's top 100 providers of Financial Technology in the Fintech 100 rankings as a result of strong revenue and increasing market share in the battle against financial crime.Norkom is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, with operations and offices across Continental Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific.
14 Kasım 2011 Pazartesi
UC4 certified for use with the Avaloq Banking System
High Flow Range Mass Coriolis Flow Meter
9 Ocak 2011 Pazar
VSEP Membrane Cleaners In addition to filtration systems, New Logic manufactures
a complete line of chemical cleaners designed to maintain maximum flow rates in
all VSEP applications.Years of exhaustive research and development by New Logic
engineers have resulted in seven chemical cleaners formulated to attack the most
stubborn foulants across a wide range of membranes and feed streams.While
designed for VSEP membrane filtration systems, these advanced formulas are
perfect for cleaning any membrane.To learn more about VSEP Advanced Cleaning
Solutions, please choose a link below to visit our sister site
membrane-based separations of liquids from solids have enjoyed increasing
popularity over the last 20 years, the technology has an inherent Achilles heel
that affects all membrane devices: fouling. This long-term loss in throughput
capacity is due primarily to the formation of a boundary layer that builds up
naturally on the membranes surface during the filtration process.In addition to
cutting down on the flux performance of the membrane, this boundary or gel layer
acts as a secondary membrane reducing the native design selectivity of the
membrane in use.EMERYVILLE, Calif. and IPSWICH, Australia, Sept. 21 /PRNewswire/
-- New Logic Research, Inc., the maker of VSEP, the vibrating membrane
filtration system, announced today its participation in the official
commissioning ceremony for the Australian Hardboards Water Recycling Plant in
Queensland, Australia.On hand for the ceremony were members of the Australian
Hardboards and New Logic executive team, as well as numerous business leaders
and local officials, including Cr. Paul Pisasale, the mayor of Ipswich.The
wastewater treatment and recovery system, which combines seven i84 VSEP
nanofiltration membrane modules, recovers wastewater for reuse within the plant.
The system, which is capable of processing approximately 200,000 gallons per
day, runs continuously automated by a programmable logic controller
(PLC).According to New Logic CEO Greg Johnson, "VSEP is fast becoming accepted
as the best available technology for tough wastewater treatment applications in
Australia. The Australian Hardboards installation represents our second
Australian installation in as many months; still more will be coming online
within the next year. We were honored to be a part of the ceremony, and to show
our commitment to helping to solve the Australian water shortage problem."New
Logic International Sales Manager Melysa Reiss adds, "The paradox of Australia's
decreasing water resources and increasing industrial demand requires innovative
technologies to bridge the gap. We are proud to have the opportunity to do just
that for Australian Hardboards and other firms throughout the continent."Water
shortage caused by drought and increased populations has created a crisis in
many parts of Australia. Water supply levels have fallen to 30% of normal, and
continue to drop. Local water districts have implemented severe water
restrictions to try to stop the drop in supply levels. Brisbane is currently at
a Level 4 water restriction that requires mandatory conservation. By recycling
its wastewater and reducing its fresh water intake using the VSEP system, AHL
has conserved the equivalent of 2000 homes worth of water supply per year. This
example of water conservation is being used as a showpiece for other industries
to follow.About New Logic Research, Inc.Headquartered in Emeryville, California,
New Logic Research is the leading provider of high-performance membrane
filtration systems used in a wide variety of applications from pure water and
wastewater treatment to chemical process clarifications. Founded in 1987, New
Logic has grown to meet the needs of its ever-expanding customer base, which
includes major corporations from around the World. Today, New Logic provides a
breadth of products and services for pure water and wastewater treatment,
industrial and chemical processing, power, pulp and paper, oil and gas
production and processing, paint and pigments and electronics industries. For
more information
ASC is a leading manufacturer of specialized process equipment, control systems,
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2 Ocak 2011 Pazar
EZ Form Cable
EZ Form Cable's primary products are miniature semi-rigid coaxial cable,
semi-rigid and flexible cable assemblies, coaxial delay lines, and coaxial RF
connectors, supplied to customers throughout the microwave
industry. Applications include High Speed Computers, Space Applications,
Microwave Components, Low-Noise Amplifiers, Wireless/Cellular Systems. CDM
Electronics stocks several varieties of EZ Form Coaxial Cables:
Miniature semi-rigid cables - (Conformable Coaxial Cables)
MIL-DTL-17 Semi-rigid cables (QPL), (formerly MIL-C-17)
Delay Lines
We are a manufacturer of industrial ultrasonic
testing equipment most commonly used in the petrochemical, aerospace,
automotive, and other generally related industries. The pages that follow will
provide you with general information regarding our products. If you have any
questions, need technical support, or have a request for custom items, please
contact us at your leisure using the information provided on this
Our products are commonly used to determine the thickness of a
variety of materials by making contact with only one side of the material being
tested. They have the ability to detect very fine pits, flaws, and porosity in
materials without having to destroy the material or parts being tested. This is
done by converting the transit time of a sound wave, sent into and reflecting
back from a defect or opposite surface in the test material, into a length
measurement. This technique uses principles similar to that of sonar.
also manufacture a line of ultrasonic bolting equipment that very accurately
measures the stress, elongation, and load in threaded fasteners. These products
are typically used in critical bolting applications where extreme accuracy is
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sure to contact us to discuss your requirements in detail.
CDM Electronics offers several military RF connector
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military connectors and their equivalent NSN designations. We are in the process
of loading these into our online catalog.
Electronics QPL Connectors
Kings Electronics produces hermetically
sealed, weatherproof and weather-resistant connectors. Kings Electronics also
manufactures products for the broadcast industry, with high quality broadcast RF
Connectors for audio and video applications. Products include 75 Ohm BNC and RCA
connectors, video jacks and jackfields, and the Tri-Loc® system. CDM Electronics
stocks several versions of Kings Electronics broadcast RF Connectors and
CDM Electronics posesses the technical expertise to assist you in
implementing Kings Electronics interconnect products in your aerospace, industry
or commercial applications.